Anecdotes to make you smack your hand to your forehead and ask, Did that just happen? 

My first "Bob" Student, well, I can't actually remember who he was. I do remember he said something that was so funny I had to turn my back to the class. I turned and started to erase the whiteboard. When the spot I was erasing was clean, Bob said, "I think that spot is clean!" and I moved a little to the left and cleaned some more. Tears were streaming down my face, I was trying so hard to hold the laughter in. When I turned around, Bob said, "Mrs. Likes, you've been crying, are you ok?" I turned around and started erasing the now clean board until the bell rang. I hope you enjoy my Bob Stories.


I am often asked if these stories are true...

did they really happen...

I couldn't possibly have made them up!